Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Name Game

While looking at my Margraf tree today I noticed a hint for my Great Great Grandfather Philipp Margraf.  I clicked on it and it was a record from the Wisconsin Birth and Christenings Index, 1826-1908.  This index must have been added recently.  I already had a date of birth for Philipp, so I wasn't immediately excited about this record, but then I viewed it.  This record gave me two gigantic pieces of information, both of his parents full names.  This whole time I've had his parents listed as John Margraf and Anna (maiden name unknown).  This birth record told me that his father's name was actually Mathias, and John is his middle name.  It also told me Anna's maiden name, Keil.  Now, there is a bit of conflicting information.  I was able to find the birth record for Phillip's youngest brother as well.  I had him listed as Matthew John Margraf, but the birth record told me that his name is actually Mathias John Margraf Jr.  It all makes sense!  However, Mathias Jr's record has Anna's maiden name listed as Keilen.  She was born in Germany and I believe she married Mathias and took his name before immigrating to America, so I don't know that I'll ever determine the correct last name, but it's still a lot more than I had.  At least they are close.  So, thank you for the amazing hint!!!


  1. How exciting!!! I hope hints continue to open for you. I can't wait to start working on mine again!!

  2. Update: I recently took a trip back home to Wisconsin and spent some time in the Hartford History Room. I found an obituary for Mathias, written in all German, which states his wife was Anna Keilen. Confirmation acquired! It also gave me some other great information, to be shared soon!
